How to Fix MongoDB “ECONNREFUSED” Error


“ECONNREFUSED” error, which indicates that your Node.js application cannot establish a connection to the MongoDB server. This error can occur for various reasons, but the good news is that it’s usually fixable. In this tutorial, you will know the common causes of this error and solutions to resolve them.

Common Causes of “ECONNREFUSED” Error:

MongoDB Server Not Running: Before anything else, make sure that your MongoDB server (mongo daemon) is up and running. You can start it using the following command:


Incorrect MongoDB Connection Settings: Review your Node.js application’s MongoDB connection settings. Check the connection URL and the database name to ensure they are accurate.

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

const url = 'mongodb://'; // Check the MongoDB server address
const dbName = 'mydatabase'; // Check the database name

const client = new MongoClient(url);

MongoDB’s Bind IP Configuration: MongoDB’s configuration file (mongod.conf) specifies the IP addresses and ports that MongoDB should bind to.

By default, MongoDB binds to, allowing only local connections. If you wish to connect from a different IP, modify the bindIp setting in the configuration file.

Firewall or Security Software: Firewalls or security software on your server might be blocking connections to MongoDB. Ensure that your server’s firewall rules allow incoming connections on the MongoDB port (default is 27017).

Solutions to the “ECONNREFUSED” Error:

Use the IP Address Instead of localhost: Specifying the IP address of the server instead of localhost can sometimes resolve connection issues. Update the url variable in your Node.js application to use the IP address of your MongoDB server.

// ❌ Instead of this
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';

// ✔️ Do this
const url = 'mongodb://';

Check MongoDB’s Log Files: Review MongoDB’s log files for error messages that could shed light on the issue. You can find MongoDB’s log files in the /var/log/mongodb/ directory on Linux systems.

Check for System or Server Restarts: Sometimes, server or system restarts can cause MongoDB connection issues. Ensure that your server is running and accessible.

Check for MongoDB Port Conflicts: Confirm there are no port conflicts on your server. If another service is using port 27017, it can prevent MongoDB from binding to that port.

I hope one of these solutions fixed your “ECONNREFUSED” error when connecting to MongoDB in your Node.js.

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