243 words
1 minutes

How to Get the Substring After a Specific Character in JavaScript

To get a substring after a specific character in JavaScript, you can use a combination of string methods such as indexOf() and substring() or slice(). Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Find the Index of the Character: Use indexOf() to locate the position of the specific character in the string.

  2. Extract the Substring: Use substring() or slice() to extract the portion of the string that comes after the character.

Here’s an example that demonstrates this approach:

Example Code#

// Function to get substring after a specific character
function getSubstringAfterChar(str, char) {
    // Find the index of the character
    const index = str.indexOf(char);

    // Check if the character was found
    if (index === -1) {
        return ""; // Return an empty string if the character is not found

    // Get the substring starting after the character
    return str.substring(index + 1); // Or use str.slice(index + 1)

// Example usage
const myString = "hello:world";
const char = ":";
const result = getSubstringAfterChar(myString, char);

console.log(result); // Output: "world"


  • str.indexOf(char): Finds the first occurrence of char in str. It returns the index position of char or -1 if char is not found.
  • str.substring(index + 1): Returns the substring starting from the position right after the character. Alternatively, you could use str.slice(index + 1) to achieve the same result.

You can adapt this function to handle different cases, such as if you want to handle multiple characters or if you want to consider the case when the character appears multiple times.